I’m so happy you’ve found your way here. Stick around—there’s a world of connection, growth, and goodness to explore. xo, Alli


find your way

reflections for a balanced

mind, body and earth

the blog

We buy. We use. We trash. And what doesn’t make it in the correct bin, well who knows where it ends up… But even when it does make it in the right bin, do we still really know where it ends up?

The Human Cycle of Consumption


browse around


i'm alli, founder of alice & leigh

My blog serves as a cherished journal, documenting my journey and experiences along the way. Explore everything from travel and recipes to self-growth and yoga, reflecting the essence of a life lived fully and mindfully.  Thank you for joining me here!

I am a tree hugger, food lover, traveler, and fitness teacher.

hey friend

I’m so happy you’ve found your way here. Stick around—there’s a world of connection, growth, and goodness to explore. xo, Alli

